Podcast available on :
Asta on Identity, Confidence and Lifting others

Djénéba sits down with Asta, a free-lance creative, to discuss her past identity struggles being a Muslim living in Europe followed by her journey to self-acceptance. Her passion for bringing in others their confidence and pushing them to deepen their goals and of course self-care.

In this episode, you’ll find out about
 Asta’s identity challenges being a Muslim in Europe as a teen
 How Asta’s overcome those challenges and became a strong-minded individual
 Asta’s advice for overcoming any identity challenges – religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality –
Asta’s suggestions for becoming genuinely and confidently yourself
 How Asta learned to heal herself
Starting where we are in terms of wellness
Self-care and wellbeing is accessible to anyone, right now
 How Asta’s vision to empower others is a strong basis in regards to her confidence/peacefulness
 The importance of supporting each other to go even further
Her concrete recommendations for those doubting their ideas and dreams

Resources mentioned by Asta
Application for getting started with meditation: Headspace app
 Book: Start With Why by Simon Sinek

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