25 things I have no doubt about: Lessons learned

25 things I have no doubt about: Lessons learned I just turned 25 and I am more than excited about this new age, this new stage of my life. I have never been so comfortable in my own skin, ageing has been quite comforting so far. Birthdays are a great opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. […]

Life After University: The art of being comfortable with the uncomfortable

Life After University: The art of being comfortable with the uncomfortable   Being comfortable with the uncomfortable, being at ease with the unknown, being mentally stable when external circumstances are unstable is to date one of the most challenging journeys I have consciously decided to embark on. After university, you are finding yourself outside this […]

Why are we so hard on ourselves

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why are we continuously sabotaging ourselves? Having self-esteem is great but it should not cause anxiety when our skills and abilities do not translate in our life. We too often forget the things we should hold on to when our expectations do not match our reality: personal growth, learning experiences, character building, resilience, creativity and so much more. Big achievements are […]