Les diasporas africaines au Brésil et en Colombie à travers le regard de Leslinha Luberto

Les diasporas africaines au Brésil et en Colombie à travers le regard de Leslinha Luberto Depuis que j’ai appris le portugais du Brésil et comme je parle espagnol, j’ai ce désir d’en apprendre davantage sur l’Amérique latine mais avant tout sur ces peuples, ces cultures et ces histoires méconnues et sous représentées dans l’imaginaire occidental […]

Conversation with Elsie Kriz, founder of Afrovitalityeats

Conversation with Elsie Kriz, founder of Afrovitalityeats On food, storytelling and community  Food seems to be involved in everything these days yet how do we perceive its influence? Its connection to our mind and spirit. Its ability to heal, to strengthen bonds and gather communities. On an individual and collective level,food is a powerful force […]

A Book Many Lessons: All About Love by bell hooks

A Book Many Lessons: All About Love by bell hooks There are some books that you consult often, read slowly, dive into an extract, and let the words make a room in you, over and over again you manage to find a new meaning, a different voice, you manage to truly hear what you need […]

Why I blog?

Why I blog? What do you regularly do to, elevate your mind, challenge yourself, be creative, get out of this bubble you are evolving in? I blog. I blog because it has become a necessity.Some people need to shop, others to party, others to dedicate themselves to their work to experiment this satisfying feeling of […]

When was the last time you did something you were afraid of?

When was the last time you did something you were afraid of? When was the last time you challenged yourself? Challenging ourselves as difficult as it gets can be a tremendous opportunity. Fear, should not hold us back when it comes to doing things we have no doubt would make us smarter, wiser and greater in […]

Le parcours de Clarice, co-fondatrice de l’association durable SustainTable

Le parcours de Clarice Co-fondatrice de l’association durable SustainTable Le développement durable. Qu’est que cela signifie réellement ? Comment pouvons-nous concrètement, au quotidien, respecter davantage l’environnement dans lequel on vit ? Contribuer à un projet ou créer une association qui a un impact durable. Pourquoi et comment se lancer consciencieusement dans cette aventure ?   Afin d’aborder […]