What Rebirth Is

What Rebirth Is According to the Oxford Dictionary, rebirth is: 1/ a period of new life, growth or activity 2/ ​a spiritual change when a person’s faith becomes stronger or they experience a spiritual shift Here is a journal prompt: How do you understand this word? What does it entail to you? Have you ever […]

How to manage your time wisely

How to manage your time wisely? Managing your time wisely essentially means being conscious of the energy you get. To me, it makes no doubt that time-management skills start within. Managing your time wisely is not about doing work or doing something all the time. It means getting to know yourself enough to understand, when, how, where, you […]

Mis-Education : questionnements et reconstruction

Mis-Education : questionnements et reconstruction Mis-education, ce mot anglais, fait référence à une éducation lacunaire, pouvant nuire. Selon moi, il est avant tout question d’une perspective tellement naturelle et normale qu’elle a été internalisée. Une philosophie, qui bien que bénéfique pour certains, se révèle dévastatrice pour nous même car contraire à notre authenticité. Mon usage […]

Your money or your life? : On burn outs

Your money or your life? : on Burn outs How can you make time for self-care when you have one, two or three demanding jobs? How can you make time for self-care when you need to work substantially to eat and pay the bills? How can you make time for self-care when you are struggling […]

Fatherless daughters: a social and self-love issue

Fatherless daughters: a social and self-love issue Distancing yourself emotionally and putting self-care at the centre of your philosophy. Understanding that even though the situation will always affect you, it does not have to hurt you can be ways to heal as fatherless daughters. Being a fatherless daughter is too often rationalised. It is not enough considered […]

25 things I have no doubt about: Lessons learned

25 things I have no doubt about: Lessons learned I just turned 25 and I am more than excited about this new age, this new stage of my life. I have never been so comfortable in my own skin, ageing has been quite comforting so far. Birthdays are a great opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. […]

Life After University: The art of being comfortable with the uncomfortable

Life After University: The art of being comfortable with the uncomfortable   Being comfortable with the uncomfortable, being at ease with the unknown, being mentally stable when external circumstances are unstable is to date one of the most challenging journeys I have consciously decided to embark on. After university, you are finding yourself outside this […]